I’m going to talk about art for a minute.

I wish artists could define what Art was. I wish I could define what it was. What bothers me most about being in art school is i have to explain to everyone what the hell I’m doing with my life.

“I’m an artist.”

Art, you say? That’s pretty broad. Exactly. Even I sometimes don’t even know what it is. Is it as easy as throwing a Urinal on a pedastel? I know that’s been done, but duchamp must have been on to something. Maybe to be an artist, you have to do absolutely anything, just as long as the timing is right and no one could do it. Or no one would do it. Or no one would dream of doing it. Maybe to be an artist, you just have to have guts.

But even that doesn’t define it either. It doesn’t have to shock you in order to be art. It doesn’t have to be curious, or complex in order to be art.

I guess the hardest thing to do is to differentiate craft, or execution, from art, (Or aesthetic, if you prefer, but I'm trying to limit the artspeak). Confusion between the two is pretty common. Granted you don't achieve the sheer wonderful technical brilliance with paint of a Rembrandt in a day---with luck, (unless you have luck)... I mean, you keep learning cute little technical tricks of the trade for the rest of your life. But it is the step from emotion, or memory, or visual reference, to anidea that takes years to master. This is what separates the competent from the great---not learning the tools. Not being able to transfer the idea to paper.Transferring the idea to paper is a demand of technique, and though it looks magical to outsiders, the hard work has already been done.. So, i guess, art is idea?. A presented idea. It has to be an idea that stands for something, emotes something, or says something.

But, you know, it gets to the point where sometimes an art piece has all sorts of pseudo-philosophical and epistemological jargon...

mixed together like a tossed salad, and this talk is quite often more engaging than any of the artworks that it's supposedly responsible for. The art of bullshitting falls right in with framed work, I suppose.

It might seem that a canvas proclaiming in, say, you know, thirty-two point Century Old Style type saying...“Very few people really understand what this is all about,” That something that would be appropriate for a portfolio or the walls of a museum, I guess.

Most people know there’s something fishy about it all, but some of the pictures (or whatever it is) some of that stuff actually turns out to be attractive to at least a few among the population at large, so the rest of us don’t worry too much about it if someone else buys stupid art and puts it in museum Art can be totally subjective to the viewer. Matter of tastes, I guess. Art is taste. By all these definitions that I’ve mentioned, It seems that art doesn’t even exist. Everything is art, right? If it has an intent.

Okay, so i guess the last few paragraphs have been filled with nothing. Observations I guess, but that’s it. I admit it. I can’t define what art is, and in turn, I can’t really even define what I do. Everyone knows what art is. But even I can’t define it. If I’m an artist, then what the heck am I making? EvenI won’t be able to tell you.

I’ll just be over here happily and contently devoting my entire life to it.