April 18, 2002
"Design a hypothetical college course for the future"
This group project allowed the four of us to decide on the
perfect class for designers. Between Chad, Mayura, Matt, and
myself, we decided a combination of the Medical field and
the Design field would be the most useful class for the future.
It would combine the two types of students equally; half designers,
half med-students. Noteable class activity would be construction
of assistive devices, biological enhancements, and efficiency
studies. The possibilities of such a course were much more
interesting as we actually began exploring the possibilities.
The combination of art students and medical students in the
same classroom has the potential to be very stimulating for
the entire student body. No pun intended.
The four of us were assigned seperate tasks for this project.
Matt and I designed the cover image, while I took the job
of structuring the website representation of the course.
