March 14, 2002
Professor Swanlund's Garden project assignment has become quite
famous in my department.
"Define your own version of a garden that relates to typography."
We aren't given many more restrictions than that. At this point
in the year, I was in a very minimalist phase, inspired by my
TA for this course, Vishal. He told me that a strong message
will shine with only the slightest bit of subtlety. Create something
beautiful that will leave an impression because it has something
to say that is influential and powerful.
My garden is about perceptions. What we see isn't necessarily
how someone else perceives the same situation. What appears
to be real in one way, might be an illusion, or what you least
I can relate this idea to myself as a child talking with
a friend, looking at the sky. I could see that the sky was
blue, but his perception of blue might be my red. If I were
to look through his eyes, I could possibly see the world in
entirely different colors. As there is no way to prove or
disprove this theory (even if we all have the same biological
makeup in our rods and cones in the back of our eyeballs),
it simply remains to be a philosophical riddle. I furthered
this line of thinking in regards to creating a Garden. I wanted
to illustrate that our initial perception of something may
not be what it seems to be.
Careful dreaming
their vision grew
The world is mine,
mine to pursue
In this garden
I bathe in bliss
And keep on swimming,
floating through
For my perceptions
Have been renewed.